Italy is one of the most important destination countries for migrants in Europe. Around 500.000 regular migrants live there and the annual growth rate of migrant presence is, together with Spain, the highest in Europe. Italy is currently struggling to deal not only with the legal immigrants but also with the illegal ones. As a matter of fact, many of these undocumented immigrants use the sea route as a way to enter in the country. This problematic situation has increased tension within Italian cities, as well as feelings of animosity towards immigrants.
A week ago we decided to interview some immigrants living in Northern Italy in order to understand how they are treated by Italians, whether or not they feel welcomed, and if they are still victims of racial bias. The interview took place in four different cities - Brescia, Treviso, Mantua and Venice - and has been translated in English
A week ago we decided to interview some immigrants living in Northern Italy in order to understand how they are treated by Italians, whether or not they feel welcomed, and if they are still victims of racial bias. The interview took place in four different cities - Brescia, Treviso, Mantua and Venice - and has been translated in English
What’s your name?: Keleki
Where do you come from? Nigeria
Do you enjoy living in Italy? Well, everything is very difficult for foreigners not only here in Brescia but also in other Italian cities. I have tries to be part of this community again and again but people are very hostile with me. I don’t know why many Italian are so racists
So, do you think that Italian are racists? Yes I do. I think that the larg part of the Italian population is racist. When Italians travel, they love foreigners and to meet other cultures. But they don’t like to see a black face in their own country. I don’t know why people are so scared about the black colour. Are we not human beings? Of course we are, but you just hate our skin colour.
How is it working in Italy? Well at the moment it is very difficult to find a job. I have been unemployed for six months. I am an engineer, but Italian people told me that I have to study other three years. I am 50 years old and I have four children. How am I supposed to study again? Besides here in Italy people don’t understand English. How can foreigners improve if Italian teachers don’t understand English? In other countries people understand it.
How long have you been living here? This is my third year here in Brescia
How long have you been living here? This is my third year here in Brescia
What would you like the Italian Government to do in favour of immigrants? I would ask them to help immigrants because we are an opportunity for Italy to improve. Countries that don’t accept immigrants do not achieve new goals.Without immigrants it is very difficult to obtain economic improvements. Do you understand what I mean? We are praying politicians to change and improve the economy of this country. We want to work
Why? Because I am a black man and Italians don’t like black people.
What’s your name?: Fernand
Where do you come from? Brazil
Do you enjoy living in Italy and in particular in Treviso? Yes. This is my fourth year in this city and I have never had big problems
Do you feel welcomed by the local population? Yes but some people are very racists and I don’t know why
Was it easy to find a job or did you find any difficulty? Well, I have always worked. On the one hand,I can say that I 've been quite lucky since so many people lost their job because of the economic recession. On the other hand I must admit that there is still discrimination at work. Immigrants always do jobs that require demanding tasks. I am not saying that this is a serious matter because I know that, when you go to someone else’s house, you have to adapt. However, I think that an integreted person is treated in a better way
So, did you do jobs that require demanding tasks ? Yes, and I still am. For
example I had to take a sick leave because my employer makes me lift heavy objects and for this reason I am having back pains. I am working with Italians but they do the easiest works.So I
am looking for another job because I came to Italy not to do the slave but to
work as the others. I am a humble worker but you mustn't forget that I am a veterinarian and I can even speak 5 languages.
What would you like the Italian Government to do in favour of immigrants? I would ask to monitor factories and to control security at work because many immigrants work in inhuman conditions. I am not talking about my own situation but I know that some immigrants do jobs that were created for animals.
Would you like to become an Italian citizen? No
Why? Because I like Italy but I don’t think I'll ever belong to this country
What’s your name?: Oghosa
How old are you? 24
Where do you come from? Ghana
How long have you been living here? I arrived in Italy in 2000. At the beginning I used to live in Naples then I moved to Rome and now I live in Venice
Do you enjoy living in Italy and especially in Venice ? I do even if sometimes I meet someone impolite. But I can’t say that Italy is a racist country only for this reason.
Did you face any unpleasant experience? Yes. Sometimes I meet people ready to insult me using racist insults.
Are these so called “unfriendly words” connected to your ethnicity? Yes especially to my skin colour. I don’t want to repeat these words but maybe you have understood what I am talking about
Are you studying here in Venice? Yes I go to University. My dream is to become a doctor
What would you like the Italian Government to do in favour of immigrants? I would ask to concede the residence permits to illegal immigrants. In this way I could meet more people from Ghana
Would you like to become an Italian citizen? Yes, why not?
What’s your name? Mehul
Where do you come from? India
How long have you been living here? This is my second year in Mantua
So where did you leave before? I stayed in Milan for 5 years and before that, I lived in Sicily
Do you enjoy living in Italy and in particular in Mantua? Unfortunately I was unemployed for one year. But now I have a job and I like Mantua. It is a peaceful city.
Was it difficult to integrate yourself? At the beginning it is very hard for us immigrants because we don't understand Italian language. When I went looking for a place to stay in Milan, the majority of people told me: “Sorry but we don’t rent our house to immigrants because they treat houses badly”. It was very difficult to find a house for rent.
And what about work? Well I have done every kind of job. I worked in a metal factory and in a supermarket. I delivered pizzas and now I am currently working in the warehouse of a factory. I can’t complain about it.
Did you face any unpleasant experience connected to your being an immigrant? Yes. Some people say that I stink or they refer to me using unpolite words. In Sicily a man also told me that I had to go back to my country because I am not welcomed in Italy
How do you feel about that? This behaviour still upsets and hurts me now, as it did back then. But now I think that every person is different and that in every country there are stupid and ignorant people.
What would you like the Italian Government to do in favour of immigrants ? I would ask to facilitate citizenship. I have been here for 12 years and they didn't give me an Italian citizenship yet. I know that in other countries the process takes only 5 years.So it's ridiculous that I am still waiting for my citizenship!
Why is it so important for you to be an Italian citizen? It is very important because without the citizenship I'm not allowed to have benefits. For example I can’t partecipate to open competitive exams to obtain a job or I can’t ask for a dole.
So you would like to become an Italian citizen, right? Definitly! Because I love this country and I would like to be a part of it.
Interview conducted by Michela & Martina
Translation by Michela
Translation by Michela
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